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BLC Guiding Princples


The Black.Leadership.Circle Way

These guiding principles serve as a foundation for the Black Leadership Circle in the Greater Baltimore region, guiding its actions, decisions, and interactions as it strives to empower and uplift the Black community

Unity and Solidarity

We stand together as a united front, transcending to work collaboratively towards shared goals.

Empowerment Through Education

We will actively seek to educate ourselves and others about issues affecting the Black community.

Community Engagement

We will actively engage with the broader community, fostering dialogue and partnerships with organizations, businesses, and individuals who share our commitment to positive change.

Social and Economic Justice

We are dedicated to addressing systemic racial inequalities and advocating for policies and initiatives that promote economic, educational, and social justice for all Black people in the Greater Baltimore region.

Leadership Development

We will support and mentor emerging leaders within our circle, ensuring mentorship is available and that the next generation is equipped to carry on the work of empowerment and advocacy.


We hold ourselves accountable to our commitments, goals, and the community we serve, regularly reviewing our actions and their impact.


We recognize that the experiences of Black individuals are shaped by a range of factors, including gender, sexual orientation, age, and more. We commit to addressing this intersectionality in our work.


We commit to engaging in respectful and constructive dialogue, even in the face of adversity.

Cultural Preservation

We celebrate and honor the rich cultural heritage of the Black community, preserving our traditions and storytelling as a source of strength and resilience.

Political Advocacy

We engage in strategic civic advocacy to ensure that the interests and concerns of the Black community are heard and acted upon by local and state government representatives.


We commit to the long-term sustainability of our circle's efforts, ensuring that our impact endures for future generations.


We maintain transparency in our decision-making processes, finances, and communication with the community to build trust and accountability.

Collective Self-Care

We recognize the importance of self-care and the need to support one another's well-being as we navigate the challenges of our work.

Celebration of Success

We take time to celebrate our achievements and milestones, both big and small, to stay motivated and inspired in our mission.

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